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Climate Change and Common but Differentiated Responsibilities for the Ocean


Robin Kundis Craig

DOI https://doi.org/10.21552/cclr/2017/4/8

Nations’ impacts on the ocean and their impacts on climate change are linked, especially given the synergistic interactions among these impacts on the two largest global commons—the atmosphere and the ocean. This article argues that climate change mitigation law, as represented internationally by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and its follow-on agreements, can better reflect nations’ broader Common but Differentiated Responsibilities (CBDR) by taking ocean impacts into account—in particular, contributions to ocean acidification and to marine fishing.

Robin Kundis Craig is the James I Farr Presidential Endowed Professor of Law, University of Utah SJ Quinney College of Law, Salt Lake City, UT. She is thankful to the Quinney Foundation for its continued support of her scholarship. This research was also made possible, in part, through generous support from the Albert and Elaine Borchard Fund for Faculty Excellence. For correspondence: <mailto:robin.craig@law.utah.edu>


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