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Suspension of Eligibility to Use of the Kyoto Flexible Mechanisms: A Review of Substantive Issues (Part 2) journal article

Uloma Onuma

Carbon & Climate Law Review, Volume 3 (2009), Issue 3, Page 6

f Substantive Provisions 1. Timing of Suspension Suspension of eligibility to use the mechanisms of the Kyoto Protocol (KP) is one of the sanctions available to the enforcement branch of the Compliance Committee (CC), once a final decision has been taken in a matter before it. This chapter on the timing of suspension addresses the question: “when can a Party be suspended?” It proceeds to assess the concept of suspension as set out in Section XV, paragraph 4 of the annex to Decision 27/CMP.1.1 As noted in the first part of this article

Suspension of Eligibility to Use of the Kyoto Flexible Mechanisms: A Review of Substantive Issues (Part 1) journal article

Uloma Onuma

Carbon & Climate Law Review, Volume 3 (2009), Issue 2, Page 14

, science and policy making, assuming renewed urgency with the release of the 4th Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)1 in 2007. Despite the 5% emission reduction commitment (relative to 1990 levels) entered by Annex 1 country Parties,2 the report indicated the need for further drastic reductions amounting to a cut of 25–40% in the near term by Annex 1 country Parties3 to ensure a meaningful reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. However, participation in the form of concerted global action – involving

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