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II. UNFCCC and Consideration of Forestry in a Post-Kyoto Regime Feasibility and Barriers to Entry for Small-scale CDM Forest Carbon Projects: A Case Study from the Northeastern Peruvian Amazon

Jenny Henman, Steven Hamburg, Angel Salazar Ve

DOI https://doi.org/10.21552/CCLR/2008/3/55

ver of climate change and a key focus for activities related to poverty alleviation, adaptation to climate change, and protection of biodiversity and water resources. Currently deforestation and other land-use activities account for 18% of net annual global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions,1 but through biotic offset projects, reforestation, afforestation, sustainable forestry management and avoided deforestation,2 it is possible to increase carbon sequestration in forests. Through the Kyoto Protocol, most developed countries have made bindi


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